The mode of operation of the store in the may holidays

AikoStore team wishes You happy holidays!

Our mode of operation during the holidays:

30.04.2019 the shop is open until 17:00

With 01.05.2019 for 05.05.2019 orders are accepted only through the website and our shop on the street of Clara Zetkin is not working.

06.05.2019 and 07.05.2019 store will work in a usual mode.

08.05.2019 the shop is open until 17:00.

With 09.05.2019 for 12.05.2019 orders are accepted only through the website and our shop on the street of Clara Zetkin is not working.

With 13.05.2019 store will work in a usual mode.

Orders placed online during the holidays, you will not remain without attention and will be processed without fail!