How to choose a fishing rod for bombard

Experienced anglers know that the bombard is a special float which is intended for long-distance casting. It was invented in Italy, our fishermen met with bombard only in 2000-ies. Every year bombard becoming more popular. This can be explained by high efficiency of catching. In addition, fishing with guns - it is quite an exciting process that engages both novice and experienced anglers.

Bombarda was allowed to abandon the fly gear. Thanks to this float casting very light baits it becomes possible even in a strong wind. Many anglers that have not yet dealt with the bombard, curious about what kind of rod it is better to choose for such a float. Further detail will talk about it.

The rod for bombard - features selection

A conventional spinning reel for such fishing can not be called suitable. Because of its length there is a lot of inconvenience in the process of fishing that can occur when casting, and when you post. In selecting the most suitable fishing rods buyers are recommended to pay attention on the model, the length is 3 meters. If you have the desire to save money to buy a mast or feeder rod, Bolognese rod.

Modern manufacturers offer a variety of good models that are light weight, and reliability. A quality rod suitable for catching the following fish species:

  • - lake trout;
  • - sea perch;
  • - river perch.

The above are the main types of fish that prefer to catch on the bombard. However, this float can be successfully used for catching other types of fish. As a rule, all models are equipped with a robust capacity rings that are intended for long-distance casting.

Leash the rod to bombard the length shall be not less than 1.5. If this figure is less, the float can spook the fish. However, if you pick up a fishing rod for deep fishing, the rod and the leash can be two times shorter. If financial resources allow, it is recommended to purchase the pole that is specifically designed for bombardo. With regard to the performance requirements for coil and wires, it is necessary to check their reliability. The thickness of the twine shall be not more than 0.2. Best suited flurocarbon, because it is completely invisible in the water.

Leash for bombard

The length of the leash should be at least 1.5 m, in the best case - 3 m Only when fishing at depth it can be a length of 0.5 m. In this case, it is not only convenient, but also to effectively catch fish (she doesn't freak out). A leash on the rod to bombard better to fix to the main fishing line. It is recommended to use the swivel. It must be triple. In this case, you will be able to prevent the twisting of the leash.

Snap bombard is fairly simple, its preparation does not require lot of effort and time. Between the swivel and bomberai set the bead, and between the rod and bombard - lock, which will prevent bleeding of the line at the moment of take.